Wednesday 14 November 2007

Like to watch?

I am jazzing the blog right up and about the place. Nice, isn't it? Anyway, we have been thinking about our upcoming project and from our original theory, "People will watch anything" which we of course still stand by, a new idea was born. Tell us more, I hear you cry. We began thinking about the concept of reality TV. What the hell is it all about? At what point did we decide that watching a group of people who we don't know or care about, whether or not they might be famous, in a house/on an island/in a jungle/going to work/swapping partners was an acceptable form of entertainment? I would like to point out that we exclude London Ink, Miami Ink and LA Ink from this category, all of which we love deeply and anyway, they're blatently staged for dramatic effect. And more to the point, why do we waste money calling premium rate phone lines to ensure that whoever makes us feel the least suicidal remains in the jungle/island/house/whatever? At some point in time, there was a moment when society decided we'd rather watch other people living their mundane lives than simply getting on with our own. And that is the most terrifying thing of all.

Oh God, Wikipedia has just reminded me of something else that falls into this category. All those programs about rich children, usually in America. Things like Laguna Beach and My Super Sweet 16. Hideous.

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